Photo Credit: Apple
I've been coveting an iPad for the last 2 years. So lightweight, so versatile, I want. But I've been good and have been holding off.
Keeping those desires at bay, while thoughts of scoring an iPad run through my head. Like an addict, wanting a fix, knowing they shouldn't, yet the desire is still there.
But now the thoughts of want, want, want, have become a crescendo, threatening to drown out all logic and reason.
I need an iPad. Or rather, I need a laptop. But which one? iPad vs Laptop?
I have a great laptop that works. But...
- It's 8 years old
- It's very slow
- The hard drive is only 74 GB
- The battery can only hold a charge for 30 minutes so it has to be plugged in
- I can't work on any of my blogs (Traveling Well For Less, Fun San Diego, or even this one) since the platform is so old. And yes, I tried updating IE, even installed Firefox, but no go.
So it needs to be replaced. But do I get an iPad or a laptop? And do I go with a MacBook Air or an ultrabook?
I've spent the last 3 months trying to decide, reading everything and anything on exactly how much I can get done or not get done with an iPad.
What I need:
- lightweight (4 pounds max)
- long battery life
- ability to work on my blogs
But I'm cheap. I want an iPad since it can do all those things. Although, uploading photos is tricky and I would need several writing apps, so it's not an end all. And for $829, I can almost get a MacBook Air or an ultrabook.
With a MBA or ultrabook I could also do my court reporting. And that is the question. Since I'm still in school, do I hold off completely until I finish and then get a MBA or ultrabook?
Or do I get the iPad that will serve me now and cost a little less?
Or do spend a little more to get the MBA or ultrabook, but I can use it for more things?
I can't decide: everyday I change my mind; one day I'm getting the iPad, the next day a MBA, the next an ultrabook. Aaargh...
What do you think?